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Henna Brow

When using traditional dye we cannot achieve an ideal form for eyebrows, especially for thin, damaged, or uneven eyebrows, the Henna can be the solution for a  tattoo effect that lasts for 6 weeks.


The dye originates from the Lawsonia plant, which is commonly found in the tropical areas of India and Africa. The pigment is very suitable for organic tinting, and essential oils enhance its durability. If traditional dyes have a creamy consistency, in comparison, henna’s is more similar to soy sauce, which helps it better penetrate the epidermis. When the henna layer dries, the water evaporates, and the color remains firmly fixated in the skin. The eyebrows look natural and congruent and do not require daily recoloring. With henna, we can achieve the effect of an elegant, light veil or the ombre effect.


The secret of henna’s durability has to do with its distinct formula created with natural components that delicately penetrate the upper levels of the skin, filling it with color.


Developed specifically for eyebrows, Henna is available in 12 shades, from a deep grey-brown to a pearly taupe blond. The shades provide an ideal combination for any skin type or hair color.



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