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Microblading is a technique of semi permanent make up performed using a disposable handheld tool with a blade shaped end formed of tiny, barely visible needles. The needles very finely implants featherweight strokes with pigment on the superficial layer of skin, creating fine, realistic and natural hair strokes.


Is microblading a tattoo?

Microblading is a type of tattoo, but is not permanent like tattoo. They are 2 different techniques using different types of pigments and these are differently applied into the skin. With microblading the pigment is applied superficially to your skin, so your body eventually metabolises it until it fades away, while with tattoo technique the pigment is applied deeper in the skin layers with the tattoo gun, where it becomes permanent.


Who is a good candidate for microblading?


Microblading can be used on someone with little to no eyebrows by creating an illusion of a more defined and fuller brow. However, a good candidate for microblading isn’t necessarily based on how little or how much brow hair you naturally have, it’s more based on your skin type.


If you’re thinking you’re ready for a microblading procedure, it is important to know that the results of your permanent makeup will be based on the health and quality of your skin. Results will vary from person to person, and if you have a pre-existing skin condition or are on medications, you may still be eligible for a procedure but should adjust your expectations based on your situation.  Like any procedure, every person is unique and will react differently. 


Before your appointment

Leading up your appointment, you should avoid plucking or waxing your brows, because your new eyebrows shape will be made on your current brows measurements. 72 hours before procedure you should avoid taking medication such as blood thinners, limiting alcohol and caffeine drinking and also using exfoliators like Retinol, since they may inflame the skin.


During a Microblading Appointment


The microblading eyebrows procedure takes two appointments to complete. The technique and art of microblading is very delicate and for this reason it needs two visits to ensure that all the strokes are evenly saturated with pigment. At the beginning of procedure, an outline will be drawn around your eyebrows that is tailored to your unique face characteristics and aesthetic preferences. When we are satisfied with the appearance of the frame, the area around your eyebrows will be numbed with a topical anesthetic. After that, your eyebrows will be microbladed with strokes that look like hair. In thirty days, your microblading should be totally healed, although you can expect to see some light crusting and scabbing and follow the aftercare instructions.


The second appointment is called a complementary touchup and takes place 6 to 8 weeks after the initial appointment after the pigments settled into the skin. In this complementary touchup, any needed adjustments are made and we ensures that each hair-stroke has even colour. Please take into consideration the possibility that individuals with oily skin will require additional touch-ups after the second consultation.


I recommend yearly touchup, after the initial complementary touchup, to maintain the crispness and freshness of the color. Natural fading occurs from external factors such as exposure to the sun as well as internal factors such as the gradual break down of pigments as your body metabolizes it out of your system. Everyone can experience the fading process differently and it really comes down to skin type and lifestyle



After getting your brows microbladed, you must follow the aftercare instructions closely in order to achieve the desired results. Aftercare includes dry healing for the first few days, followed by gentle cleansing and application of the cream provided. Right after the treatment is done, the brows will be darker and slightly red, but the redness and the pigment will fade as the brows heal.

Avoid using skincare products and makeup on the area for a minimum of 10 days following the application or touch the area at all. Picking, peeling and scratching of the area should be avoided at all costs except for when rinsing and applying the post-care cream with a cotton swab. Other things to avoid: tanning, direct sunlight, swimming, increased sweating, and exercising for up to 10 days following the procedure. Once you’re healed, continue to take care of your skin by staying hydrated and applying a layer of SPF 30-50 sunscreen on your brows before heading out in the sun to prevent fading.

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